Sabtu, 19 Maret 2016


Well here I am again on the old decrepit desktop computer thanks to our son "Hammy" who thought it would be a grand idea to turn off my laptop during a defrag... long story short, the laptop is pooched until I can get it into a repair shop for a complete system reload, (Thanks Son ) .... (ps I still Love you even though I wanna wring your scrawny neck!!)

Anywho, I have been asked to speak to the LBGTQ youth at a small venue about my life , married life, family life and about living in a community of 500 or less people who (as far as I know) are all God fearing heterosexuals.

I have no frackin clue what the hell to say or what I should say? I mean I live up here in Canada and for the last decade or so pretty much taken my equality rights for granted, should I talk about how it was prior to the LBGTQ having equal rights? I have no frackin clue what the current issues plaguing the community are now? Im so far out of the loop it aint even funny.

From what I can tell and from personal experience, my life and my family life are almost an exact mirror of my heterosexual counterparts, I truly cant see much of a difference at all, right down to my Spiritualism and personal beliefs in God (for the most part anyway), the only difference is the gender of my partner.

I havent decided just yet if I will actually take up the offer to speak to the young whipper snappers, I mean when I was in my teens and early 20s I sure as hell didnt want to listen to some old fart tell me how it was back in the day (Im 46, old enough to be a fart to the younger generation(s) )

So theres that, as for how do we fit into a small village? quite nicely actually, we have never had a negative reaction of any sort, hell our house doesnt even get egged on Halloween, course that could be because we give good candies ! lol , none of the kids at school bother our son about it, most of those kids have been to our house playing the XBox or Playstation and chowing down on my wifes awesome cookies and cakes.

We take an active role in our small community via volunteering for various fundraisers, helping neighbors & friends and being friendly towards everyone, my wife works at the town bar as a cook and I am semi retired and do odd jobs around the village, in the summer our son mows lawns and in the winter he shovels driveways. We call this little village home and it is as warm and welcoming as any home could be.

well I guess I will end it there, my son just challenged me to a game of Blazing Angels (WWII fighter pilot playstation game)

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