Senin, 21 Maret 2016

Spring Flooding

This is our garden, under about 2 feet of water, all the snow we got this past winter has left our property a ruddy mess, its not just our garden that flooded but most of our property.

I have been busy pumping out the water but there really is no place to put it, the ditch out front is overflowing, the water I pump out of the yard is pretty much running down the road.
I am not the only one flooded almost everyone here in Pense has flooding to some degree and some are flooded worse than we are so the village held a huge sand bagging bee, in 8 hours we all together have bagged over 5000 bags, which are free for the taking by anyone who lives here.

This is the entrance to our secret garden, it looks rather dismal right now, but once the water is pumped out and the area cleaned up it will once again be a cozy little hide away to sit on the bench swing and watch the birds and squirrels and breathe in the scents of wild flowers while shaded from the hot summer sun.

All things considered, the flooding aint so bad, this photo was taken exactly 1 month ago, when I was busy digging the RED DORF out of the snowbank to get it ready to sell, so when it comes to the flooding, it could be worse! it could always be 40 below and we could still have 6 feet of snow on the ground, so yep, Ill gladly take the warm weather and flood waters!

Our garden may be a little late getting planted this year as once the water is gone the ground still has to dry, but with some hard work, patience, and a positive attitude we will have a wonderful garden around the first of June. better late than never eh?

guess thats all for now, yall have a wonderful weekend.

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