Selasa, 15 Maret 2016

My Wife’s Cancer is taking it’s toll

So as you all know my wife has lung cancer, a rare form of it, we got to see the CT Scan on June 4th, it’s not good, my wife has a very large aneurysm on her main artery that goes to her right lung, it is caused by the cancerous tumor, the chemo is causing the tumor to shrink so that for the first time the Doctors can see what is going on behind and around it, and the tumor has done a lot of damage.

My Wife’s chemo treatments have been suspended until the aneurysm is repaired, which is scheduled to happen Tuesday June 10th at the General Hospital in Regina (Saskatchewan,Canada) , it’s a high risk surgery as she also has a massive blood clot in her heart (in the upper right chamber), they can’t do anything that will cause that clot to break free and travel to her 1 remaining fully functioning lung or even worse pass through her heart, either situation is fatal to her.

She takes daily Fragmin (blood thinner) injections, 15,000 IU per shot, it is slowly dissolving that blood clot and others in her bad lung, so it’s not like nothing is being done to fix the blood clot.

The scary part aside from the pending surgery to repair the aneurysm is the fact that her chemo is temporarily suspended, which means that damn Cancer tumor is going to start growing again, it’s a extremely aggressive cancer (synovial sarcoma), the tumor grows daily not gradually, as the Doctor aptly put it :My Wife is caught between the Devil and the deep blue sea!, meaning she is going to die without surgery to repair the aneurysm and she may die if the surgery is not a success, add to that a growing cancerous tumor and the outcome is not very good.

The plan is to do the surgery on June 10th, then transfer her from the General to the Allen Blair Cancer Center and start the chemo on the 11th, the 12th the absolute latest, she has no recovery time , she can’t afford a couple days or a week to recover from the surgery, the chemo has to start asap as the tumor will be growing by then, she was suposed to do her chemo today but it was cancelled until after the surgery, the Doctors didn’t want to give the surgeons any excuse to say they couldn’t operate.

So that is where we are at with everything, I am very scared and worried for my wife, I am not prepared to bury her , I can’t imagine life without her, we have been together for 17 wonderful years and have beat the odds and built a life and a family together, Outwardly I remain rock solid, I am my wife’s emotional rock , I remain strong and confident for her and for Hammy (our son) , but inwardly my very soul is crying in anguish, my heart is breaking for my wife, I step outside for a few moments every few hours to pull myself together, I write in my blog to weigh everything out, to share our story with others, to let the world know about my beautiful amazing wife , to collect my thoughts and as a form of therapy, and yes if and when my wife passes I shall continue to blog, it will be hard , but I want my wifes life to be celebrated by the world, and to let others who may be dealing with a serious illness or a loss know that I understand what they are going through,and no matter the outcome, life has to go on as hard as it may be.

So that’s all I have to say for tonight, remember folks, don’t take tomorrow for granted, express your love often, and be kind to others, Peace and love to you all

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