Sabtu, 19 Maret 2016

Again my plans for a jammie day were thwarted by my beautiful wife!! (yes this Butch wears jammies!! quit yer snickering! … they’re Butch Jammies! fleeced pants with coke bottles and polar bears on ‘em ,and a muscle shirt ,and insulated mens slippers)…my plan was to sit by the fireplace in my jammies sipping a Captain and Cola while goofing off on the laptop all day, but Noooooo….my wife decides she wants to go for a walk, just a quick one and since she can’t really walk far on her own in case her lung cancer acts up in the cold, I had to get off my lazy ass and get dressed to go with her.


Also today I froze my ass off installing a heat lamp in the dog house in the back yard….No not for my dog, my dog doesn’t sleep outside (he’s afraid of the dark), I put the heat lamp in there for a couple of stray cats that frequent our yard, I also began setting a bowl of food out for them, just to help them out during the winter, I know it won’t solve the stray and homeless animal problem,but it’s the best I can do for the few that wander into my yard , I wish I could do more, our village doesn’t have an animal shelter which is probably a good thing as I don’t fully trust shelters not to kill the animals, not saying shelters are bad, they’re not, they are a great temporary home for homeless animals, but they are sorely under funded and often just don’t have the means to feed and house so many animals and if folks don’t go there to adopt an animal….the alternative is heart breaking, if you’re thinking of getting a pet, instead of buying one from a pet store or puppy mill , please consider going to your local shelter and adopting a stray, the animal will be eternally grateful and will show it’s gratitude to you for the rest of it’s natural life.

Speaking of homelessness …. I was reminded again today just how fortunate I truly am, see every time I got too cold I simply came into my house to warm up, there are over a million men women and children here in Canada that have no home, they are homeless (yes Canada has homeless people) , I can only hope that they have found some shelter from the cold, I know exactly what they are going through as I was once homeless for about 5 or so years of my younger life I had no home and just drifted from city to city living on the streets, it was rough, it was cold, it was frightening, and it was terrifying to realize that as a homeless person I was invisible to the rest of the world….. tonight I am fortunate, I have a home and a loving family, I have many friends in the village, in the nearby cities and across the globe via the internet, I take so much for granted now, I could not help but think of all those homeless folks out in the cold tonight, yes I donate clothes and money to the Salvation Army and various other charities, but the fact is it just isn’t enough, there are only so many beds available in the shelters and churches, and those beds are usually for a night at most 3 then what? …. there has to be a solution, there was a group of young university students in Regina who had the brilliant idea of taking shipping containers and converting them into living spaces , it could be done for less than 10 grand per container, they had a converted container as a display/model , their idea was to place them on old vacant lots around the city, there was a lot of buzz about it but then the problems began….every homeowner and business said it’s a great idea….just not in my back yard (meaning we don’t want them or the poor in our neighborhood) so the idea and part of the homeless solution went no where …. because no one wanted these container houses or the poor who would live in them anywhere near their homes or business.

The problem with low cost housing is, most often they are located in very rough neighbourhoods, the other problem is …people that don’t really need low cost housing often fill the vacancies why? so they can save money to buy their own house or condo, they don’t care that they are taking a roof away from someone who desperately needs it and deserves it. Sadly we live in a ME world now, where everyone is only concerned with themselves and nobody else matters,least of all the homeless, the homeless are the invisible and disposable people, no one cares about them at all, no one wants to admit there is a homeless problem,no one wants to help them, why? because there is no gain in it for them.

I’m gonna stop here and mull things over, I hope you the reader will take a moment however briefly and think about those who are homeless, and give a thought to the homeless animals too, if nothing else…just a thought.

Remember folks:express your love often,never take tomorrow for granted,and be kind to others.

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