Jumat, 15 April 2016

A typical day in the Life of Butch …

I speak often with great fondness about the little village I live in , I talk about how peaceful it is, how friendly and supportive it is, a great place to live…and it’s all that and oh so much more, it’s like a little slice of a Utopian oasis hidden out in the middle of nowhere Saskatchewan, it is *My* Utopia , it’s not for everyone, and that fact comes painfully clear come spring… see what I didn’t say about my village is , every spring we are up to our asses in mud…. there is only 1 paved road here, Mainstreet , all other streets and driveways are made of clay base and gravel … if I had to describe this place in 1 sentence to a visitor in spring this is what I’d say…. we have a church,school, arena,general store, bar/hotel…and we have Mud… Lord do we ever have Mud!! … that about sums up my village.

Now every spring my backyard floods , I am talking you can hop in my canoe and paddle around the yard flood (seriously ) so I was up at 7:30 am this morning, in my pajamas and rubbers (rain boots for those that don’t speak Canadian) standing in 2 feet of water setting up both water pumps (I borrowed a second pump from my neighbour) in hindsight perhaps I should have had a couple cups of coffee to wake up and clear my brain before setting up the pumps… Because…. Like a dumb ass that I can be , the pumps are electric , so I am standing in 2 feet of water with 2 plugged in and very live extension cords squeezed between my thighs as I primed the pumps , holding a metal 2 gallon pail.

I couldn’t put the power cords down in the water or …. well I would have killed every frog within a 150 foot radius and taken myself out in the process , remember I’d only been awake for about 10 minutes, no coffee and not thinking, so what to do, the pumps are now running , I fill the bucket with water so it won’t float away and gingerly balance the power cords on it and wade back to the house …. ( I’m not the sharpest tack in the box when I first wake up) I later went out and replaced the bucket with a couple sawhorses and tacked a nail on either side of the power cords so they don’t slip off into the water.

I cleaned up had coffee and Hammy and I went to church, after church I got talking with a friend who invited Hammy and I to go spend some time with him and his family at his cabin in Manitou Beach! … aside from a mini summer vacation (which Hammy and I need) and spending time with a good friend, Manitou Beach is one of only 3 salt water lakes on earth… of course everyone knows of the big one …The Dead Sea ( bet you didn’t know it is not a sea at all, it is a lake) … the second is in Czechoslovakia, and the third is right here in Saskatchewan Canada (Manitou lake) it’s the only saltwater lake in North America , so that’s really awesomely cool!

After church it was back home, feed the kidlet, do the dishes, get the laundry started and then out to change the tires on the Mighty Cavalier , I finally got that lug nut off, actually my neighbour came over with a couple tools and we broke the stupid aluminum cap off the actual lug nut ( why they put those on beats the hell out of me) once we got that cap off ( it was rounded so the tire iron couldn’t get a grip on it) , with a couple curse words and some heavy prying with the tire iron we got the lug nut off, after that escapade my neighbour went home and I jacked up the car and changed the dang tire ( only took a month to get it done) , about that time my dang back went out ( I’m getting old) I quickly decided that the other tire could wait til tomorrow , I’ve gone 1 month without a vehicle, 1 more day won’t kill me.

then it was in to make supper for the kidlet ( with a back that is killing me slowly) , shower and now I’m back in my pajamas just relaxing.

This is a typical day for me, toss in work and my life couldn’t get anymore exciting lol , it’s country living, time means nothing out here, things get done on their own good time, life is slow and quiet here, not fast paced and noisy like the cities, where you gonna go out here? north field or south field? for a change of pace I take the dog for a walk down the grid roads (gravel roads) we go a couple miles then turn around and wander home again, to me this is about as close to Heaven as I can get while living.

Well that’s all I got for tonight folks, so Remember:express your love often, never take tomorrow for granted, and be kind to others.

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