Kamis, 04 Februari 2016

Politics Canadian style

In Canada the political scene is usually quite uneventful, a down right snooze fest compared to our neighbors to the south, Mayor Rob Ford put Canada on the map for all the wrong reasons, am I disgusted or offended that he besmirched the Canadian landscape with his gang affiliations and smoking crack? Nope, I am not!

#1 he is from Ontario and has nothing to do with me or my life,and I think its about time Ontario got a black eye, I mean they think they are the center of the universe and most people around the world think Ontario is Canada and there is nothing but wild frontier beyond its borders.... Good on them!!

#2 Rob Ford is only human, in Canada we seem to think our politicians are supposed to be saintly, having never done any wrong, never spoke bad about anyone or anything, and never make mistakes, we as a nation collectively have our heads shoved up our asses for thinking like that, Rob Ford smoked crack then lied about it, big deal, he is human, he is a public figure, its not like anyone civilian or otherwise would willingly admit on national tv to having smoked crack or any other drug ....would you?

Im not defending him at all, but I also dont think he is a bad human being either, he made a mistake , then he tried to cover his ass with a lie, he did exactly what the vast majority of Canadians would do if they were caught doing something illegal and thrust onto national tv... lie their asses off and proclaim their innocence , so really why call the kettle black when most of us have our own skeletons ?

On a Federal level our fearless leader Stephan Harper continues to drop the ball, now when I voted for him a good deal many people got their panties in a bunch, YES I knew full well Harper was an idiot and not the best choice for Canada by a long shot, but I also knew he wasnt the worst.

My reasons for voting for him was this, #1 he wasnt gonna reopen the tired old pointless debate about abortion, Canadas supreme court ruled in favor of it and stated the simple truth, IT IS THE WOMANS RIGHT TO CHOOSE, #2 he wasnt gonna reopen the tired old debate or mess with the laws that gave same sex couples the right to marry and be considered equal to the rest of society, #3 he was going to do away with the arcane and pointless long gun registry, which turned the average everyday rifle owner into a Felon, and did nothing to stop gun violence.
#4 As a Canadian, and as someone who lived through the NDP regime on a provincial level, I had to give my vote to the idiot most likely to keep the NDP out of federal power, had the NDP won a majority, Canada would be a very different nation about now, there would be mass unemployment and the country would be divided between the east and west as the NDP can not stand the natural resource sector (which is primarily in the western provinces) they believe the western economy is destroying the eastern economy, Canada would be a nation of welfare recipients by now had the NDP gotten into power, if you doubt that, you just go look at what they did to Saskatchewan during the 1970s 1980s and 1990s, they drove the population down to less than 700,000 people,
they drove out big business and made it almost impossible for any business to start up in Saskatchewan, the provincial debt was almost equal to Canadas national debt, and 1 in 3 people in Saskatchewan was on welfare , those that could afford to left the province to find work , those that couldnt stayed behind and suffered. I dont want to see all of Canada become a welfare state so I voted against the NDP , for the greater good.

The next Federal election is in 2015, will I vote for Harper? not likely no, the only exception would be IF and only IF it looked like the NDP had a chance of winning the majority vote, then yes Id vote the Conservatives back in, I view it as better to know the devil in front of you than not know the devil behind you, most likely I will vote Liberal this time around and bring the young Justin Trudeau into power , mostly to give the young idealist a crack at running the country, he certainly can do no worse than Harper, and who knows he may do a couple of good things for the country as a whole, if at the very least Id like to see him and his party become the official opposition, right now the NDP wields entirely too much power and that in itself makes me uncomfortable. if the Liberals can defeat the NDP in the poles, my vote will go Liberal, otherwise I will have to vote for the devil (Harper) again, just to make sure the NDP dont get a chance to ruin Canada. if Harper is a devil then the NDP are satan incarnate , the Liberals are certainly no angels but they are the ones who would do the least harm as far as I can tell.

Love it or hate it, agree or disagree this is just my views on Canadian Politics , voice your own thoughts and opinions in the comment box below.


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