Kamis, 25 Februari 2016

Spring where art thou

Well the darn ground hogs are wrong ! Spring has not sprung at all, in fact we here in Saskatchewan (Canada) are being nailed with the worst winter storm on record.

The Trans Canada Highway between Moose Jaw and Regina (you can Google these locations) has been closed for the last 48 hours, and there is a Canadian Pacific Railway freight train stuck on the tracks near Belle Plaine (Google this as well) the heavy snow fall has brought the train to a dead stop, the snow is just too deep for the train to plow through.

Here is a few photos of our yard just to give you an idea on just how deep the snow is here in Saskatchewan.

This is the new shed that I built last summer, I wont be getting into it til around mid april by the looks of it.

This is the east corner of our back yard, the dog house is all but buried, that post sticking out is actually the chimney stack of an out door fire place that is about 6 feet tall, that blue tarp in the back ground is the roof of our camper, the snow is between 5 feet and 7 feet deep in spots back there.

This is my wife, son, and dog just in front of the car, the snow bank beside the car is well over 5 feet in height

This is our house, there is a coral fence buried under there , and a couple 5 foot diameter wagon wheels attached to the fence that are all but buried.

This is a street view, of what the entire village looks like

So I ask , Spring , Spring< where art thou Spring!? it would seem that spring has completely forsaken us this year, which seriously makes me question Global Warming, it sure isnt warm here! in fact it has been colder this winter than the last 5 winters put together.

I will have lots of flood pictures to post once this snow finally does melt, the whole village is going to be swamped as are all the fields and roads surrounding it.

Guess thats all for now, for those who actually have spring, truly enjoy it, & for those of you that are like us, still snow bound, stay warm.


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