Senin, 22 Februari 2016

Another good Christmas

So Christmas is over for another year, all in all I have nothing to complain about, our son “Hammy” got me a new cordless drill which I needed really bad as my old one was plum wore out from years of hard and abusive use ( it has been dropped from various heights many times) ,But now I have a nice shiny new one that has plenty of torque !!

I also got a fantastic new Hamilton Beach Brew Station (Coffee maker) it’s digital and makes good coffee , it’s not a fancy thing like a Tassimo or Kureg , good thing too as I like the percolators, I like my 1 to 12 cups of coffee choices and the fact that it doesn’t cost me an arm and a leg for coffee , any brand will do, no over priced pods or K-cups !!

I got about a dozen pair of thick insulated socks and a thick new sweater so I’m all toasty warm when outside now, (trust me, every piece of clothing I wear in winter is insulated ) minus 55…. BRING IT ON!!

I made the MISTAKE of buying GTA 5 (Grand Theft Auto 5) for our son (he’s 13) …. good lord!! it’s not the violence (it’s only a game) it’s the language! I thought Mafia 1 and 2 were bad, but GTA every second word is an F bomb and that’s just the nicer words! DON”T BUY THIS GAME FOR YOUR KIDS …. unless you put head phones on them or make them play it on MUTE!

I’m going to talk him into trading that game for 2 others of his choice, I’m sorry I’m not old fashioned and I do know kids both hear and say that kind of language, but it is MY own opinion that only uneducated trash use that kind of language, people with the IQ of a Neanderthal drop a constant stream of F bombs in their sentences, there is no real need for constant profanity…. just MY opinion.

My wife got a ton of new small kitchen appliances, which she loves (though I will probably get more use out of them) and she too got quite a few insulated socks and clothes, though this winter so far hasn’t really been all that cold, (averaging about minus 10 so far),but she is prepared for when it does drop down to minus 55!

My little sister and my nephew came out for Christmas dinner ,I didn’t realize just how big the turkey I bought was (17 kg = 40+lbs) frigging thing was huge! It just barely fit into our roaster but the lid wouldn’t fit, my wife made her famous potato salad ( she makes the absolute best) and there was sweet potato and fresh veggies and about a gallon of gravy, for desert we had eggnog pie and drank virgin mimosa’s, lots of love and laughter over the course of the dinner.

Yesterday we spent the day with my friend Wayne and his family, big family, 7 kids! We had a great visit and lots of laughs, of course there was lots of freshly home made pumpkin pie and ice cream involved, you can’t go to Wayne’s house without being fed, course that’s the general rule at my house too, it’s a country hospitality thang, you come to my house, prepare to eat, I’d take it as an insult if you didn’t share a meal with us or dive into my wife’s fresh baked goods.

Today I woke up all stuffed up, I caught a dang cold so now I will be spending the next 3 or 4 nights sleeping on the Futon in the living room until this cold goes away, last thing I want is to make my wife sick! Christmas was extra special this year as my wife was in good enough health and is able to be here to celebrate with us, believe me I thanked God for that many times, the things I used to take for granted I sure don’t anymore!

So I am using the family computer instead of my laptop, why? Because the desktop is much faster than my laptop, I bought the family a refurbished desktop from a store called PC Plus , it cost me $219 (230 with tax) it’s compact too, it is just a small box that sits right on top of the desk, I put the monitor on top of it, it’s about a 1 foot by 1 foot square box that’s about 6 inches tall, has a 2.8 gig cpu , a 500 gig hard drive and is maxed out at 16 gigs memory, has 2 USB ports on the front and 6 on the back, has a DVD player and a CD burner , now I just have to buy a decent set of speakers for it, the internal speakers are good, but I want mega sound from it. It’s running windows 7 which I prefer over windows 8.1 that my laptop uses.

My wife got me the coolest tool bag, it’s not big but surprisingly holds a lot of tools! It came with a couple screw drivers a hammer and pliers, but I filled it with the loose tools I keep around the house for home repair and there was even enough room to put the cordless drill and charger in it that our son “Hammy” got me. It’s my first tool bag, I usually use tool boxes, I have a big tool box in the pantry, one in both cars and 3 tool chests in my work shop as well as 5 or 6 tool boxes, I have tools out the wazoo !

Not just mechanic tools but wood working tools, a bench press drill table saw etc, the only saw I want or need now is a band saw, I use the scroll saw as a band saw except I can’t cut metal with it. I enjoy building things and tinkering, I have a 93 Ford Topaz that I spent the last 2 summers rebuilding the motor, it runs like a dream and the car looks like it just come off the factory floor, but I had no sooner got the motor done and the damn transmission went… so now I am toying with the idea of pulling the motor out and converting it into a generator to power the house when ever the power goes out…. it’s just an idea yet. I’ve spent almost a year looking for a transmission for it with no luck, so pulling the motor may be the only option, be a shame to see such a good body end up in the scrap yard, I could probably part it out first and make a few bucks, I’ll decide what to do with it come spring.

Anyway, I don’t know how often I will be online over the next few days, I will be catching a lot of ZZZZZZZ’s and trying to get rid of this cold, but I will be around to answer all the comments and read some of your blogs, so I am off for now to rest.

Remember folks: express your love often,never take tomorrow for granted, and be kind to others.

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