Kamis, 04 Februari 2016

17 years ago we stood at the alter and exchanged our vows , promising each other and before God that we would love and remain together through sickness and health , richer or poorer til death do us part.

To my Beautiful Wife, I want you to know that you are so much more to me than just my wife, you are my very best friend, the person I go to with all my triumphs and failures, the person that I trust my life with and that knows all my secrets both good and bad yet doesn’t judge or condemn me.

You are my partner, you complete me, without you , honestly, I am nothing, you found me when I was broken and you with your love, compassion, devotion and faith healed me and made me whole again.

You are my soul mate, I don’t know how to tell you how I know this, I just know, when we first met I was scared and unsure of myself, but something deep down inside me, cried out in joy and I knew in that instant that no matter what we were meant to be together, I knew then that no matter what I must win your heart and have you at my side, I knew then that my life had no meaning or purpose without you.

In the 17 years we have been together my love and devotion to you has only grown and become stronger, thanks to you we have became parents, and you let me share in raising our child, who like his Mom, is a pretty amazing kid, you showed me a softer gentle side of you , you are an Amazing Mother, I have learned so much about parenting by listening and watching you, Thank you for helping to make me a good parent, I could never be without your gentle loving guidance, Thank you for having our son and giving me a Family to watch over and protect, you gave me purpose.

For me it seems just like yesterday that we were young and crazy and just met, everyday for 17 years I have woken up and fallen head over heals in love with you all over again, and for 17 years each night I have prayed and thanked God for putting you in my life.

It’s been 17 wonderful years full of life, full of joys and hardships, but together we have faced each day with love and determination , You have given me the strength, hope, desire to carry on when there seemed like no hope, with you at my side I knew I could take on any obstacle or hardship head on, you quietly gave me the strength to carry on and never give up, you gave me hope when there was none, you quietly encouraged me to strive to be better, not only for myself,but for our son, for you,for those around us, you taught me compassion, you brought out my softer side and encouraged me to give of myself without any expectations, you taught me to always do the right thing no matter how difficult it may be.

Even now in your sickness you continue to bring the best out of me, your so loving caring and giving and often suffer in silence while being strong for both myself and our son, I know this, I see this, I understand this, it breaks my heart but at the same times deepens my love for you.

So I am asking now, once again, for better or worse, richer or poorer, sickness or health, will you honor me one last time and be my wife and marry me once more?

All my Love and deepest Devotions, your loving partner

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