Minggu, 07 Februari 2016

Effing Government BS!

Okay so I had planned to go out and do a very small project today….repair the corral fence , it’s a log and post fence in my front yard built to look like a corral , when it’s repaired I’ll get a couple photo’s, instead of doing that I tidied up the house, did laundry , the usual house chores, then sat down to finish all the Government red tape Bullsh*t in order to claim the Death Benefits and CPP allowance for Hammy …. what’s at stake here is $2500 (Death Benefit) and an extra $150 per month for Hammy until he turns 18 .

Back in February , I applied for all this, last week the Government sent me a sh*t ton of paperwork to fill out, a whole bunch of forms , why? …. get this… I HAVE to PROVE that I have been married and living with my wife Pauline for the last 18 years… *THUD*<< me passing out from the GALL and BS the Government is dishing to me….

So I photocopied every fricken income tax document from the last 18 years ( which has both her name and my name on it, states the relationship CLEARLY and has matching addresses) …. on top of that , I photocopied the Obituary that clearly states that she is survived by her Spouse of 18 years and 13 year old son etc. , also copied the funeral home paperwork which again states the relationship, copied our marriage certificate, copied the last 5 years worth of utility bills (both names are on them), got 5 notarized letters from friends stating the fact that we were married and living together for 18 years, got copies of Hammies school records to prove both her and I were together raising him his entire life… they even sent a form for the Commissioner to fill out to prove every document that I was sending.

That’s not counting the 22 pages of forms that I had to fill out!! GOOD GOD ALMIGHTY!! I have never been put through the wringer like this, by any agency… trying to claim money from the Government that Hammy and I are by law ENTITLED to is a very difficult thing to do, why is it if you are honest with them they make it so hard? yet if I was dishonest… I could have screwed them 40 ways from Sunday while doing my taxes this year and walked away with thousands!! …. the assholes and liars get money handed to them left right and fricken center, yet GOD FORBID an Honest person DARES ask for money that they are Legally Entitled too…. the Honest person gets raked over the coals and Butt F*cked (dry and without a kiss or dinner) …. I don’t understand that?? … and Jesus if you owe the Government even $20 , they are all over you like white on rice…. after all your $20 is the difference between your countries prosperity and financial collapse!! …. I generally don’t swear, I find it to be rude and generally makes you sound like an uneducated buffoon… but Jesus H Christ Almighty!! Mother!#%^*&@ , God%@^^ god for Nothing Federal LEECHES!! and the real kick in the @ss… we vote these useless pr*cks into office and then pay the sonsof!^$%#^$ to royally f*ck us over!! Ohhh the Irony is NOT lost on me!!

My advice to all of you… if your country has Death Benefits in the event of a loved one/spouse passing, and you file to claim them…. start cranking Valium and drinking Vodka shots to steady your nerves because you are going to be up to your @ss in Bureaucratic BS for the next 3 to 6 months…. you don’t really get a whole lot of time to grieve because the Government wants PROOF of every single thing for however long you were with your partner… and if you are claiming on behalf of a deceased child of yours…. get ready to prove you are the parent(s) …. I know this because my Aunt has a claim for both her children ( it’s taken her 2 years so far with the eldest, and the youngest is on hold because her body was never found so as far as the Government is concern, she isn’t dead until proven otherwise… thing is… she went missing in 1985, they found her blood covered clothes and school bag…. yet the Government told my Aunt… Prove it! )

To say I am slightly p*ssed off and frustrated with all the paperwork is a MAJOR UNDERSTATEMENT !!! D@mn Government … quick and eager to take your money, come election time they are knocking on your door with their grubby hands out begging for money to fund their campaign ….. yet you ask (politely) for the Money that is LEGALLY by LAW YOURS… and you’d think you were asking for money out of their own fat wallets personally!! …. you have a better chance of getting Lucifer to Repent and beg God for forgiveness than you do getting 1 frickin dime out of the Government!

See the Government puts you through the grinder hoping that in your grief , you won’t have the will or desire to keep filling out paperwork and proving this and that, they hope in your grief you give up and say screw it , that’s their game… However… I am twice as stubborn as any of the swinging dicks in Government… I won’t quit, and I’ll jump through their hoops, and send them letters of enquiry and annoy them via phone and email daily, I will have my lawyer send letters of requests on my behalf, until the useless b@st@rds realize that I can play their damn game just as well as them, and I won’t quit and go away until I get what is rightfully mine, and Hammy gets what is rightfully his!

So that has been my day… how was yours?

Remember folks:express your love often, never take tomorrow for granted,and be kind to others


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