Jumat, 05 Februari 2016

Death visits us again … pet loss

My son and I are still emotionally raw from the loss of his Mother,my Wife, we are coping as best we can with her death and trying to move forward one step at a time through life, now as it happens my wife was an animal lover, so much so that she resented me to a degree whenever I went hunting (I supplement the grocery bill with wild game), I was never allowed to bring home a dead animal nor clean/dress it anywhere near our home, I had to do that where I dropped it, I had to go to a friends house and we would butcher and wrap the meats before I took it home.

Now being an animal lover she also rescued any stray cat or dog she come across and would foster them, clean them and make sure they were healthy before finding them forever homes, as it happens we soon acquired multiple cats (her furry babies) we had 5 of them, 1 in particular was her favorite, Sabre, a grey cat that she coaxed into our home about 11 years ago, he was the most sorry looking cat I’d ever laid eyes on, and the meanest bastard on the planet, we lived in Calgary at the time (Big City) and he was ferral, he had been abused and tossed aside, he was missing the tip of his tail, his tail also had a permanent kink in it, he had a broken rib or 2 (probably from being kicked), he stank really bad, had fleas and mange , he was starved so bad that we had to feed him little bits of moist cat food at a time so he wouldn’t get sick and die .

That mangy cat took right to Pauline, she cleaned him up and nursed him back to health, after many vet visits he was deemed healthy and disease free, so we had him fixed, that cat loved Pauline with all his heart and soul, he followed her from room to room, slept by her head, would sit on her lap every time she sat down , she always talked to him in her sing song voice, and soon he was a member of our family, he thrived on all the attention people gave him, she had taught him how to trust and love and be loved by people again, she spent the next 11 years babying him more so than the other 4 cats we acquired.

Sabre was a Happy cat, and he was well loved and he knew it, when my wife passed away, he somehow knew that too, he spent his days going from room to room yowling at the top of his lungs looking for her, he stopped eating, and when I brought her urn home he would lay on the floor just below the shelf she sits on and cry, physically cry, I had no idea cats had tears until I witnessed this.

Coupled with my sons grief and my own, listening to Sabre cry none stop for the last month has been almost unbearable, I tried and tried to get him to eat, he drank some milk now and then, ate very little of the wet cat food, just a few bites here and there, his grief overrode his need to eat and overrode his natural survival instincts, he was grieving hard and no amount of comfort would help him, he was slowly wasting away, he was dying of a broken heart.

Tonight he passed away, he died of a broken heart, I wept as I carried his lifeless body out, it hurt me so bad that he passed , that he didn’t want to live without Pauline, I know she was there to take him to the Rainbow Bridge, I asked her to come and end his suffering and take him quietly and quickly, she did.

I am guessing Sabre was around 12 or 13 years old, he was already a year or 2 old when my wife first coaxed him into our house.

Sabre, Pauline’s favorite cat and fur baby, you will be missed my dear friend, but I know that right at this moment you are in Pauline’s loving arms once again, and for that I so desperately envy you . Rest well old friend .

anyway, that’s all for tonight, so remember folks:express your love often,never take tomorrow for granted, and be kind to others.

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