Senin, 11 April 2016

Last Rant of sorts of 2013

First off I hope Everyone had a good Christmas and that Everyone has an awesome new year!
That said, up here in Canukistan (Canada)there is a guy in Saskatoon Saskatchewan who took that city to court over the fact that the city put "Merry Christmas" on its buses during the holidays, he lost his case and now has taken it to the Human Rights Commission.... What an ASSHOLE!! , look heres my beef, This is Canada,traditionally the holiday greeting has always been Merry Christmas, regardless of religious beliefs, race, color creed, ethnic back ground, it always has been Merry Christmas. What is so insulting about that? hell even if you are an Atheist wishing someone or being wished a Merry Christmas will not hurt maim disfigure scar or kill you!! use some common sense! and most of all get the f^ck over it!

This political correctness bullsh^t has got to STOP!, Canada is a welcome refuge for immigrants often fleeing political strife or war or persecution for their religious beliefs and yes I am proud of the fact we open our doors to those that need to move here, I am all for diversity,but here is the rub... you move to Canada, you adopt our customs you follow our laws and you salute our Flag, remember you are a guest in our country, you dont like it then f^cking LEAVE! you left your own home country for a reason! dont come here then try to make this country a duplicate of your own! again, you are free to leave if you dont like Canada.

We have a whole generation of politically correct jar heads coming up behind my generation who are afraid to call a spade a spade (its a type of shovel so relax)they are afraid to offend anyone especially those new to our great country, I however have deprogrammed our 12 year old son from the crap he learns about being politically correct in school and have taught him not to offend anyone but not to say Happy Holidays either , its Merry Christmas! and that is that.

Another thing that really irks me is the fact that the Aboriginals in this country still cry foul and blame their rampant substance abuse problems on the white people... look I agree that the Europeans dealt your ancestors a very shitty deal, yes they took your land, yes they tried to pull a genocide on your peoples.... but that was hundreds of years ago!, they didnt kill all of you off because you are here now, your people are NOT extinct nor at risk of becoming extinct! This is the present, how am I a 46 year old white person to blame for your substance abuse? you drink excessively because of what was done centuries ago? hell in that case let me join you because centuries ago some of my family were burned at the stake after being accused of witchcraft, some were killed in various invasions, some died from the plague, some were killed in various wars... I should be a substance abuser because of my history too, btw half my family was wiped out by natives back in the colonial days! pretty lame excuse for substance abuse! and I still fail to see how exactly I am responsible for your troubles, please explain exactly how it is still my fault? god forbid I am racist for asking or daring to question aboriginals.

I still believe we have taken this political correctness too far when people get accused of racism for stating the obvious or for questioning anyone not of their race, and when people can take others to court because a simple well wish such as Merry Christmas offends them and they feel like their rights not to believe in what Christmas stands for in the true sense have been abused.

Common sense goes a long way folks.

Happy new year

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