Jumat, 04 Maret 2016

Our dog Memphis

I think I have mentioned our dog Memphis once or twice before somewhere in this blog,anyway I am going to write about him today.

Our dog Memphis is a Rottweiler German Shepherd cross, both of those breeds carry a bad reputation but let me set the record straight here, regardless of the breed be they rottie shepherd,dobie,pitts,etc, NOT 1 of them are born mean or dangerous! People make them mean and dangerous through abuse and neglect, its not the dogs fault it is the OWNERS fault ALWAYS!!

Take our dog Memphis, he is a mixed breed, he is 160lbs of pure love,an over grown lap dog, he is also a rescue dog, meaning we rescued him from a bad situation and he was to be put down if no one would have him, his crime? neglect and a new human baby on the way and couldnt be trusted...

We have had him going on 4 years now, in that time his hind end has been rehabilitated and is now strong and he is able to walk and run without difficulty ( he was locked in a small kennel for most of his young life prior to us getting him), he has learned to be social and interact with people and other dogs, he has learned to love , be loved, trust and be trusted again, he has play dates with a pitbull, a chihuahua, and a small mixed breed benji type dog, none of which he hurts or fights with, he plays chase and tug of war with them, just generally pals around with them much like a couple 10 yr old children would interact with each other.

here is a photo of our big doofy dog Memphis

He is a fantastic friend and loyal companion, he keeps watch over his family (us) and his property, not a mean bone in his body, would he go after anyone who tried to hurt my wife, son or myself, probably as we are a tight knit close family and he is a big part of that, would he go after anyone trespassing on our property? not really no, he would and has stood his ground and bark rapidly at the person(s), which his way of letting me know that someone is here and I should come see who it is. not many people trespass as Memphis is of a mixed breed both of which have a negative reputation, so that makes his job of watching out for his family easier and less stressful on him.

Did I mention he is great with children and babies, he just stands there when the toddlers pull his tail or ears, he tries to comfort a crying baby by licking away the tears, he plays catch with the teens and pre teens, he pulls our son on a sled in winter and loves to dig in the snow.

During the day he lays contented at my wifes side or sometimes curls up on the recliner, in the evening he lays at my side or at my feet, he sleeps with the 4 cats at night, or rather they hunker down with him, he sleeps in an open large kennel (his security comfort zone) and the cats wander in and curl up on him and around him.

Living on the edge of the village has allowed for us to have plenty of wide open space for Memphis to run and explore ( almost 40 acres) he enjoys chasing the birds and squirrels though he deliberately avoids actually catching them, he stays close to the house when he is out on his own and seldom runs off unless he sees a friend walking down the road then he will run to them for attention and to say hi but he always runs back home.

I couldnt imagine life without Memphis, he completes our family,it breaks my heart to know that there are other deserving animals out there needing to be rescued and given a proper loving home but we cant take them all in , it is our hope that others will step in and rescue these lost souls.

It infuriates me that there are people who abuse and neglect animals or think of them as disposable, people who abuse or neglect animals should face serious prison time, and what ever they have done to the animals should be done to them! people who abandon their animals should face serious prison time or at the very least lose their children for life (if they have any), if they abandon an animal on the side of the road they dont deserve to have animals or children in their care, abandoning an animal is a death sentence.

I may sound harsh, but I have zero tolerance for animal abuse neglect or abandonment, I feel the same way about human children too.

Please help control the pet population by spaying or neutering your pets,and please dont by your pet from a breeder or pet store, please go to your local humane society or spca or animal shelter and adopt your pet there, doing so will save it from death row, every animal just like humans deserve a second chance at life.

guess thats all for now


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