Senin, 07 Maret 2016

Its been a rough month

Sorry once again I have been absent from the web, and not keeping my Blog updated as often as I would like.

Its been a very rough month for my family and I, usually I am upbeat and often seem like I have the world by the tail, well I dont always have it by the tail, sometimes life turns on me and bares its sharp teeth to remind me that Life is short, precious, and should never be taken for granted. (as I often do)

November 5th 2012 our 11 year old son "Hammy" was hit in the head with a basket ball while at school (accident), he went into convulsions and had 2 very serious seizures, by the time I arrived at the school the Ambulance had been called.

Our son was so out of it due to the seizures he didnt know where he was, what had happened, or who I was, Ive never felt so helpless in my life! Panic stricken< I fallowed the ambulance to Regina and met my wife at the hospital.

They rushed him into emergency and pumped oxygen and fluids into him, once he was stable they rushed him in for 2 CT scans, the first one didnt show anything out of the ordinary so they shot dye into him and the second scan showed a 3 centimeter tumor at the back of his brain.

My entire world blew apart at that moment, I am Dad the fixer, I solve and fix all the problems in our little family, and I cant fix this, I have never felt so useless and empty as when the doctors broke the news to my wife and I.

They kept our son over night and ran a battery of tests on him, they shot him with morphine twice , once for the severe head aches and once for the soreness and stiffness of his muscles from the seizures.

They let him come home and we kept him home from school for the week, I am happy to say that so far he is doing well, he goes to school but cant participate in sports and is temporarily out of his beloved Judo as we cant risk another knock to the head.

December 11 he has appointments for a MRI and EEG, then on December 17th we find out the results, as of right now we dont know if the tumor is benign or cancer or what it is, the waiting game is very hard on my Wife and I, December 17th the Doctors will decide whether they are going in to remove it or if there is other treatments or if they will leave it.

The positive side is Hammy hasnt had any more seizures , and other than being tired a lot , he seems healthy and strong, it has also brought us closer as a family, not a day goes by that I dont hug and kiss our son and let him know that I love him very dearly . I would willingly give my life if it meant he would be okay, and yes, I know just how cliche that sounds, but it is true, he is our only child, and my Wife and I would do absolutely anything for him.

Anyway I will keep updating as we know more, and to vent etc. Prayers for our son (Jerreth) are most welcome, Thank you .

well thats about it for today, take care folks and remember, please dont take life for granted, tell youre friends and family just how much you love them, tomorrow could be too late .

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